First Presbyterian Church
Schaller, Iowa
Rev. Michael Sydnor
Bible Groups
Our church has many different Bible Groups! Read below to find out!

The Purple Gang
The Purple Gang is an annual program that runs every Wednesday after school, until 5:30 PM. The program is offered for children in the grades of Kindergarden through fourth grade. This program continues to grow and thrive going on its sixteenth year!
Why is the Purple Gang called the Purple Gang?
Purple is the color of royalty, which reminds us of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We call it the Purple Gang because we want to follow in our King's footsteps.

Vacation Bible School
We offer different themed Vacation Bible School every year! The 2016 VBS program will be held from June 20th - June 23 with the theme being RELEASED!
Children's Sunday School
We offer a Sunday School program to nursery children. This program is every Sunday morning at 9 am!
Share the Warmth
A Snowman in the church's entryway collect mittens, scarves, stocking caps, and coats that the congregation brings to help the needy in our community and other surronding communities. Some of these items are knitted by members of the church.
Food Pantry
Members of our congregation and community members bring non- perishable food for the Food Pantry at Early. VBS students also jump in and bring items for the pantry.
Miracle Quilters
The miracle quilters started when a church member was given a box of scrap material and she envisioned making lap robes. Women of the community meet a couple of hours on two Thursday's a month to sew, cut, and put together the mini quilts. They have been distributed to are homes and veteran's hospitals.