First Presbyterian Church
Schaller, Iowa
Rev. Michael Sydnor
Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:23-24 (N.I.V.)
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
I have always liked the sound of “let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” I have dreamed of a world where every human being received what they needed and that everyone contributed everything that they could. I have dreamed of families where only kind words were spoken, and truths were communicated with compassionate looks and gentle tones. I have dreamed of communities where everyone feels that they belong, and no one is excluded.
We do not live in that world. Too often churches are not focused on their communities and on reducing the isolation of their neighbors. They spend small fortunes on musical instruments and ornate church buildings while spending little to nothing on the poor. They use their time to develop elaborate worship services while ignoring the needs of the elderly, children, and youth.
I am happy that I do not serve one of those churches. I have heard people in this congregation express their desire to treat people fairly and have seen them extend hospitality and help when it was needed. I know that the worship of this church is seen in the actions of its members. If people see worship flow into acts of justice and deeds of righteousness, this church will continue to attract people.
Justice and righteousness are also hallmarks of our denomination and this presbytery. Of course, I am not saying that either one is always right or that there is never a reason to disagree with them. I have worked with people at both the denominational and presbytery level and can say that they strive to be fair, to listen, and to understand. This presbytery strives to be a partner with its churches and will try to help in every way that it can.
If you wish to mail a check, you can use the following address: First Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 69, Schaller, Iowa 51053, or you can drop the check off at the State Bank of Schaller.
Please pray for our leaders. Pray for the people of Gaza, Israel, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, and Syria. Pray for our nation and especially for the people of Southern California as they experience the forest fires sweeping over that region. Pray for First Presbyterian Church in Manning and Rev. Anna Small. Pray for Denise King, Kirk Langner, Florene Cork, Mark Diersen, Randy Leask, Dexter Meseck, Dorothy Ploeger, Steve Schaefer, and Reid and Christine Schaefer. Pray for our schools. Continue to pray for the other people on our prayer list. Let us pray for our troops who are still deployed overseas and for those who are struggling with their wartime experiences.
May God bless and keep you,